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Star Rewards Program

Health and Development

The WALA is dedicated to the continuing health, genetic diversity, longevity, and well-being of the Australian Labradoodle. We emphasize ethics and integrity in breeding. We value testing for genetic diseases and acknowledge the varied paths our breeders choose to focus on to provide an optimal foundation for puppies. The WALA is dedicated to research through science, data and the importance of genetic diversity.


The Star Rewards Program is one way WALA shows commitment to our vision. The principles on which the WALA was founded are reflected here. Each proven breeding dog in a member’s program is required to meet the disease screening requirements. We encourage every WALA breeder to apply!

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WALA breeders in good standing will depict this logo on their website and advertising material. The logo includes program name, member number, and expiration date of membership. 

A Current logo is provided at annual renewal.


To apply for or renew the Champion and All Star level of WALA STAR Rewards, click above and fill out the brief application. 

Accredited STAR Breeder
This level is achieved by meeting these basic testing requirements that must be performed before registering a litter with WALA.


One STAR: Passing Certification for Hips

One STAR: Passing Certification for Elbows

One STAR: DNA Identity Profile

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The Champion STAR Breeder and All STAR Breeder Shield levels are optional rewards that may be achieved by meeting additional STAR requirements. 
Awarding the Champion STAR Breeder or All STAR Breeder Shield will be based upon the merits submitted by the WALA Member Breeder for their "proven" breeding dogs in their program, meaning they have had a litter registered. Member breeders may register litters retroactively that were born before the start of their membership at the regular litter price with no late fees. This will help experienced breeders jumpstart their certifications for the advanced rewards STAR Program Shields. DNA Health Testing can be completed at any OFA Approved Laboratory or any Laboratory accepted by other international breed associations (ALA, ALAA, ALCA, ALAEU, CKC [Canadian Kennel Club]), American Kennel Club (AKC) and all kennel clubs recognized by the AKC. and the The Fédération Cynologique Internationale FCI, including but not limited to Van Haeringen, Biofocus, Pet Genetics, and Genomia.
Champion STAR Breeder
This includes the three STARS achieved from the Accredited STAR Breeder level, and also:



One STAR: EIC and PRA/prcd (Cleared by Parentage acceptable for one generation)


One STAR: OFA, CAER, ECVO, SSVO, or BVA Ophthalmologist Examination 


One STAR: Breeder’s choice from the STAR List

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All STAR Breeder
This includes the six STARS achieved from the Champion STAR Breeder level, and also:



One STAR: Breeder’s choice from the STAR List

One STAR: Breeder’s choice from the STAR List

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These are optional elective qualifications to select from
for the Champion and All STAR Breeder levels.

One STAR: Patellar Evaluation  (Preliminary or final examination of Normal/Clear over the age of four months.)


One STAR: OFA, CAER, ECVO, SSVO, or BVA Ophthalmologist Examination every 18 months (by a board certified veterinary ophthalmologist)


One STAR: Five or more years experience breeding Labradoodles


One STAR: Extended Genetics Disease Panel (See Notes below for list of accepted labs. More panel information coming soon)


One STAR: Participation in professional development for 6 hours every 12 months


One STAR: Cardiac Evaluation.(Preliminary or final examination of Normal/Clear over the age of four months.)


One STAR: Breeder's program has produced at minimum five therapy/service dogs


One STAR: I use Avidog method of puppy rearing (includes ENS and ESI) or Puppy Culture method (which includes ENS).


One STAR: I temperament test my puppies using a proven temperament testing tool such as APET or Volhard, with the test being performed by an independent evaluator.

This program will be evaluated periodically by the Star Program Team, revising qualifications as needed based on research and breeding best practices. Membership will approve by majority vote any proposed changes to the Star Program.


Beyond the Accredited level, the Champion level requires two additional tests as well as one free choice from the Star elective list. Two additional choices from the Star elective list options (for a total of three elective options) are required to reach the All Star level.


We hope you find this flexibility in designing your own rewards both satisfying and motivating. Here is additional information regarding qualifications for the advanced Star Rewards:


  1. Members must meet the basic requirements of membership as found in the Code of Ethics and Rules and Regulations. Please pay special attention to Rules 15 and 18, which state that you must display the WALA logo on your website, provide a link to the WALA home page, and you must identify on your website all active breeding dogs in your program, including displaying the dogs' WALA numbers.

  2. Before submitting your application, you must be signed up for the database and have all your active dogs and their testing entered in the database. The active dogs shown on your website should match the Stud Dogs/Bitches list shown on your Breeder Page of the WALA Register. Exception: You need not show dogs on your website that are still pending testing and acceptance into your breeding program, even though they are listed as “active” in the database.

  3. Awarding the Champion STAR Breeder or All STAR Breeder shields will be based upon the merits submitted by the WALA Member Breeder for their “proven” breeding dogs in their program, meaning they have had a litter registered with the WALA, regardless of litters they may have had before membership with the WALA.

  4. To advance dogs to “proven” status, member breeders may register litters retroactively that were born before the start of their membership at the regular litter price with no late fees.

  5. To achieve Champion or All Star, a breeder must have at least one proven dog that meets the Star Reward level you wish to attain (meaning that dog must have a WALA registered litter). All proven dogs in a breeder’s program must meet the requirements for the level the breeder wishes to attain.

  6. Potential breeding dogs are not always tested before being recorded with an “active” breeding status in the database—an untested puppy would be an example of this. However, dogs need to be tested to the Accredited level before being bred. Dogs who are not “proven,” meaning having a litter registered with the WALA, are not included in determining advanced reward levels.

  7. The Founders of the WALA decided to implement this gradual start-up process in order to keep the costs of attaining the advanced shields reasonable. In time, as breeding dogs produce litters, all WALA dogs will be fully tested and will be included in a breeder’s qualification for advanced reward levels.


When you feel you have met these qualifications and are ready to apply for advanced Star Rewards, please complete and submit the STAR Rewards Application found on the WALA Breeder Access page—member login required for this page.


Any questions or testing can be sent to the WALA Star Program Team:



  1. Cleared By Parentage for all genetic disease testing will be allowed for one generation.

  2. All testing must be submitted for each “proven” dog, meaning the dog has produced a litter registered with WALA, in order to meet Star qualification.

  3. WALA will accept PennHip (hips), OFA, eVet, FCI, and BVA hips and elbows.

  4. WALA will accept health testing from any OFA Approved Laboratory, as well as any Laboratory accepted by other international breed associations (ALA, ALAA, ALCA, ALAEU, AKC, CKC [Canadian Kennel Club]),American Kennel Club (AKC) and all kennel clubs recognized by the AKC. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale FCI, including but not limited to Van Haeringen, Biofocus, Pet Genetics, and Genomia.

  5. WALA accepts OFA eye certificates, CAER, ECVO, SSVO, and BVA eye examination forms. WALA will accept normal exams as well as non-normal examination forms that list the OFA Breeder Option diagnosis or OFA Breeder Option code. Forms that are not marked normal and do not include the OFA Breeder Option diagnosis or OFA Breeder option code must be sent to OFA for interpretation. OFA does not issue certificates for ECVO, SSVO, and BVA forms, but OFA will include the result in their Advanced Search area, which WALA will also accept.

  6. WALA will accept OFA examination forms, OFA preliminary reports (under one year old) and OFA final certificates for cardiac and patellae. WALA will also accept non-OFA examination forms for patellae evaluations that are performed using the Meutstege or Putnam examination protocols.

  7. Member Breeders may register litters retroactively that were born before the start of their membership at the regular litter price with no late fees. This will help experienced breeders jump-start their certifications for the advanced rewards Program Shields.

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