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About The Worldwide

Australian Labradoodle Association

Our Mission

To inspire the continuing improvement of the Australian Labradoodle and Labradoodle breeds through education, communication, and integrity in breeders and owners.


Our Vision

To be the organization that unites worldwide Australian Labradoodle breeders in a mutual commitment to the long-term benefits of high standards in breeding practices and the cooperative building of a comprehensive and accurate database to preserve pedigrees and health information.  

Guiding Principles

The WALA works to fulfill its mission and vision through the following guiding principles:

Research and Education:  Members are committed to keeping current on research and communicating our knowledge to both breeders and owners.

Democratic Organization: Members believe the experience and input of many makes for a more educated and stable organization. We are all inclusive with a goal of uniting Australian Labradoodle breeders worldwide in best practice standards. We encourage mentorship and fellowship among breeders, owners, and enthusiasts.


Integrity and Ethics: Members commit to acting with integrity and ethics in their dealings with colleague breeders and owners.

Breed Preservation: Members focus on preserving and improving the temperament, health, coats, and structure of our breed by conducting health testing, supporting genetic diversity, applying uniform standards, carefully selecting breeding stock, and respecting infusion standards that preserve the magnificent traits of the Australian Labradoodle. 

Benefits of WALA Membership

The WALA is a democratic organization that promotes mutual respect, education, communication, and integrity. We are dedicated to improving the temperament, health, coats, and structure of our breed for its long-term well-being. By becoming a member, you will be introduced to outstanding breeders and will join us in moving the breed to its highest potential. Those seeking companion dogs will recognize you as a breeder with integrity and best practices.


The WALA has adopted a grading scheme that preserves the magnificent qualities of the Australian Labradoodle and Labradoodle breeds. Our WALA database is checked for accuracy, and we welcome input from fellow breeders to correct any errors. Transparency of pedigrees and health results can help us avoid inbreeding and improve genetic diversity.


As part of our commitment to a breeder run organization, we envisage committees bringing together the diverse and creative talents of our WALA members in their shared vision. Together we will best blaze a path of excellence for both breed and breeder. We look forward to the information, discussion, and recommendations from these meetings of minds. The following is our Committee Vision:

A Planning and Priorities Committee will identify goals and priorities of membership. This Committee will then create a development and implementation action plan, ensuring that membership priorities are first heard and then achieved.


A Research and Education Committee will investigate best practices in breeding based on data driven results. This valuable information will be shared with membership as we learn and grow together. To enhance education, the Committee will engage the WALA membership in sharing webinars, articles, videos, and other forms of media, and in encouraging engagement in order

to create a community that learns and grows together. The Committee may also assist in designing educational events such as weekend seminars.


Health and Development Committee will research and inform membership of the latest on scientific findings pertaining to the health and temperament of our breed. The Committee may, at times, engage membership in opportunities to participate in ongoing research. Our goal is to uncover best practices in the delicate balancing of reaping the benefits of genetic testing, while preserving genetic diversity. Discovering ways to best achieve these dual, and sometimes conflicting goals, is part of our vision for achieving the best for our breed.

An Elections Committee will bolster the WALA goal of a democratic organization. With responsibility for overseeing the nomination and election process for Director positions, this Committee will ensure independence and objectivity in electing our leaders.

An Audit and Ethics Committee will consider member complaints and provide dispute resolution support as appropriate. The WALA inspires all members to practice professionalism and ethics. If issues arise in this area, they will be resolved professionally and ethically. When more active engagement is required, the Committee will consider information provided by all parties and propose a course of action to the Board of Directors. The Committee shall also work with individual members and membership for transparency and understanding within the audit process.

A Finance Committee will work with the Board of Directors to ensure that Association funds are utilized in a fiscally responsible manner. The Committee will be provided monthly and annual financial reports and will be looking at the overall expenses within the Association as they prepare and present the annual budget to membership. An outside audit will be conducted every two years.


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