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Member Breeder Rules & Regulations

Commitment to WALA Community

Rule 1.  Members shall maintain high standards of care and conditions of their dogs by ensuring that all dogs under their control, both adults and puppies, are properly housed, fed, watered, and exercised and that they receive proper veterinary care when required. Members must follow all laws or legal requirements pertaining to the care and keeping of dogs in the area in which they reside. Should any of their animals be surrendered to or taken from them by local authorities, they will inform the directors of WALA immediately.


Rule 2.  Members must not sell or trade dogs to any commercial animal wholesalers, retail pet dealers/traders, animal rescue groups, or laboratory or research facilities.


Rule 3.  Members must not release a puppy younger than eight weeks of age.


Rule 4.  Members will sterilize or place under a sterilization contract all puppies not being evaluated for breeding purposes.


Rule 5.  Members must agree to sterilize or place on non-breeding contract any merle patterned dogs produced.


Rule 6.  Members must tag all puppies produced with permanent identification in the form of a tattoo or microchip prior to releasing the puppy.

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Commitment to Breed


Rule 7.  Members must test all breeding stock for hip and elbow dysplasia prior to breeding and will only breed those animals who have test results that meet the minimum standards of WALA.


Rule 8.  Members shall breed only animals that are in good health and who are physically and temperamentally sound. Members shall avoid breeding animals known to have, or are strongly suspected of having, a serious inherited disease or defect that will likely be passed on to offspring and that, if inherited, would significantly affect the quality of life of any offspring that would be produced.


Rule 9.  Members must keep accurate breeding and litter records, registration papers, and pedigrees.


Rule 10.  Members must respect basic principles relating to maximizing genetic diversity to maintain the health of the breed.


Rule 11.  Members must DNA Profile all breeding stock born after 1 January 2018 prior to registering a litter and shall verify parentage through DNA Profile before issuing a pedigree for any offspring where more than one sire covers or may have covered a bitch.

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Commitment to Purchasers


Rule 12.  Members must ensure that all information provided verbally, in writing or on any social media platform, and all advertisements, whether paid or unpaid, are truthful and not misleading. Member shall not misrepresent the Australian Labradoodle breed, the sire or dam of a litter, the puppies produced, other breeders or WALA.


Rule 13.  Members shall carefully screen potential buyers to ensure, to the extent possible and practical, that puppies and dogs are placed in homes that are safe and caring and are free of past abuse, neglect, and mistreatment.


Rule 14.  Members must provide a two-year health guarantee and must supply the purchaser with a copy of the purchase contract and/or guarantee prior to accepting any final payment. WALA disclaims any liability from the use of such document.


Rule 15.  Members must provide information and support to purchasers to help ensure they clearly understand their responsibility for the care and welfare of the animal and have made the necessary preparations for keeping the dog.


Rule 16.  Members must make themselves available to the purchasers of the dogs from their program for advice or assistance for the life of the dog, and will require, under contract, that they be notified if the dog is to be re-homed. Members agree to accept the return of the dog and/or that they will work with the owner to find a new home for the dog.


Rule 17. Members shall conduct themselves in a professional manner that reflects positively on themselves, the breed, and WALA.

Commitment to WALA Organization


Rule 18.  Members must not have had membership revoked or suspended by a canine association within the last five years, or, if they have, they must provide to the WALA BOD details relating to such an incident.


Rule 19.  Members must have and maintain an active website. An active website, at a minimum, means that you have the following information on your website and this information is not under construction.

  • Your breeding program name and information clearly identifying you as a Labradoodle and/or Australian Labradoodle breeder.

  • Information identifying your Labradoodles and/or Australian Labradoodles that are actively breeding and registered with WALA. This should include a picture of each dog, the dog’s WALA number, and each dog must be identified by its official name, including breeder prefix.

  • Contact information for you as the breeder.

A presence on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, blogs, etc.) cannot be substituted for an active website.


Rule 20. Members must display their current and up-to-date WALA logo on their website, and the WALA logo must be large enough that the specific member number and dates are legible. Members must add a link to the WALA home page from their WALA logo. If the breeder is no longer a WALA member, no longer a member in good standing or if suspended or awaiting suspension, that breeder will remove the WALA logo and all WALA shields posted, remove any language indicating that they are a member of WALA, and will disable any links to WALA.

Rule 21.  A member’s website may only be used to describe, market, or display your WALA registered dogs. Any other dogs or animals not registered with WALA must be clearly identified as not WALA registered on your website. The WALA logo with the required link to the WALA website, all WALA shields, and any mention of being a WALA member may only be shown on website pages describing the WALA approved breeding program and WALA registered dogs and their puppies.


Rule 22.  Members must select a breeder prefix and identify all puppies born to their WALA registered dam(s) by that prefix.


Rule 23.  Members must own at least one intact male or female Labradoodle or Australian Labradoodle that is registerable with WALA.


Rule 24.  Members are required to register with WALA all breeding dogs that meet the WALA dog registration requirements that are Australian Labradoodle, Labradoodle Origin (a dog with any combination of pedigree that includes only Labrador Retriever and Poodle ancestry), and all accepted infusion breeds that are owned, including those newly acquired through purchase, trade, etc. For more information see the WALA Generation Definition Summary and Infusion Guidelines.


Rule 25. Members are required to register in the WALA Registry every puppy in all litters produced by their WALA registered dam(s) by no later than the litter’s six-month birthday and pay for those litters by the same six-month deadline. Litter registrations or litter payments submitted later than six months after the date of birth of the litter will be subject to a penalty.


Rule 26. Members shall provide accurate information on any WALA form submitted, paperwork uploaded into the WALA Dog Registry, or litters registered in the WALA Dog Registry.


Rule 27.  To be reinstated, any member who has been suspended, denied renewal of their membership by WALA, or voluntarily not renewed their WALA membership, must reapply for WALA membership, meet all basic membership requirements, and be approved by a majority vote of the WALA BOD.


Rule 28.  All WALA members must register for access to WALA’s dog registry. Without this access WALA members cannot adhere to WALA’s rules and regulations that require them to register new dogs, register litters of puppies produced, keep their WALA breeding program information up to date, etc.


Rule 29.  Members must obtain written approval from WALA if their program is to deviate from the Code of Ethics or Rules and Regulations in any way.


Rule 30.  Members failing to observe any provisions of the Code of Ethics and Rules and Regulations may be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, removal from the WALA Registry Database and disqualification from membership without refund of monies paid.

All WALA Member Breeders are required to respect WALA Rules and Regulations and Code of Ethics as a condition of membership. In cases where the regional laws of the WALA Member Breeder's country of residence are in conflict with the WALA Rules and Regulations or Code of Ethics, these regional laws will supersede the WALA Rules and Regulations and Code of Ethics.

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